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Title: The Selection

Author: Kiera Cass

Genre: YA Dystopian Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Prepare to be swept into a world of breathless fairy-tale romance, swoonworthy characters, glittering gowns, and fierce intrigue perfect for readers who loved Divergent, Delirium, or The Wrath & the Dawn.

For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape a rigid caste system, live in a palace, and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon. But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her, and competing for a crown she doesn’t want.

Then America meets Prince Maxon—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.


Let me just say this one thing. I was in my mid-twenties when I read this, and I know that my high school self would've LOVED this book. I loved it now,  but high school self would've gone down the obsession/fangirl train. And yes, I was that girl who was into Divergent and Hunger Games. No shame.

But The Selection! We got a dystopian "The Bachelor!" I'm not gonna lie. I love watching "The Bachelor/Bachelorette." I don't particularly like the idea of one guy dating 20+ women and forming relationships with some of them until he has to choose between two, but I'm there for the tea and drama. Who isn't?

So, this dystopian future isn't great, which seems to be a theme with any dystopian future we envision for ourselves. Society has decided to create a class system based on numbers. 1 - you're a royal. 6 - you're lower than dirt, not worth hiring or education. Anywhere in between you're either rich, artistic, middle class, or just barely tolerated.

Anyway, about the story! Loved it. It's cliche, especially with America being the "I'm not like other girls" type of girl, but I didn't hate it. Even though she didn't want to be chosen, she stuck around so she could help her family out a bit and also the prince. I loved, loved, LOVED how America and Maxon start off as friends. I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers, but I also love friends-to-lovers. When you got that foundation with no expectations, and then just slowly watch as they start to feel more for each other...BEAUTIFUL. I loved America and Maxon so much. Their banter, how they play off each other, and their little secret signal for wanting to talk. It was adorable and they're adorable.

Now, let's just chat for a bit about the elephant in the room. Aspen. Sigh... I'm sorry, but I hate this guy...I didn't like him the moment he was too prideful to eat the food that America gave him in celebration. Like, what kind of boyfriend are you??? Say thank you, eat every bite, and appreciate her!!! I knew there was going to be a love triangle (and I'll talk more about that in the next review), but I just wanted Aspen to go bye-bye.

Honestly, the one thing I would've wanted more from this book was more scenes with the other girls and America. I know it's supposed to be centered around the romance and America, but people watch "The Bachelor" for the drama, and girl drama can be quite entertaining. We do get some, and we get the "mean girl" but I just wanted more.

Loved this book! Would definitely read it again. Wish I read it when it first released. Now, onto the next one...sigh...


Title: The Elite

Author: Kiera Cass

Genre: YA Dystopian Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐


With even more glamour, intrigue, and swoon-worthy romance, this sparkling sequel to The Selection will captivate readers who loved Veronica Roth’s Divergent, Lauren Oliver’s Delirium, or Renée Ahdieh’s The Wrath & the Dawn.

Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection, and to win Prince Maxon’s heart. Now six girls remain, and the competition is fiercer than ever—but America Singer is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it Prince Maxon—and life as the queen—that she wants? Or is it still Aspen, her first love?


This book could honestly be summoned up in one sentence. *clears throat* "Oh, I love Maxon, but Aspen was my first love and I love him too and don't want to give him up, but Maxon is amazing, but he's dating other girls, but I love him, I'm so confused, I'll keep Aspen around just in case Maxon doesn't want me anymore just so I have someone to love and not be alone after this." And then America runs to her bed and cries all night because she's so confused by her feelings.

Honey...take a breather. Take a chill pill. This might come as a shocker to you but you don't need to end up with anything. I would honestly love it if you took time for yourself away from these boys to figure out what you want and who you want to be.

Okay, look. I understand how difficult it can be to let go of a first love, especially if you see them every single day. Like I get it. You're hurt. You're confused. Your emotions are just everywhere and it doesn't help that one of the guys that you've fallen for is dating a bunch of other girls. (Again, I don't support the premise of the whole Bachelor world, I just love the drama). But maybe find someone who isn't biased on the situation to help with what you're feeling, especially when you're young.

As you can probably tell, I didn't really like this sequel. It was way to heavy on America's "confused feelings", and the plot was a bit slow because of it. I liked the other stuff that was happening, like with her friend and her maids. But sometimes I forget that America is still a teenager and doesn't have a whole lot of life experience, but I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it's so hard to when she's treating Aspen like trash (don't worry I still hate him), and when she's constantly doubting Maxon. Or when she acts like a Disney princess and runs dramatically to her bed to cry all night because of her confused feelings.

Honestly, I'm surprised my eyes are still lodged in my head from rolling them so much. So, yeah, didn't enjoy this one that much.


Title: The Selection

Author: Kiera Cass

Genre: YA Dystopian Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐


America Singer searches for her happily ever after in this swoon-worthy YA dystopian romance, perfect for readers who loved Veronica Roth’s Divergent, Lauren Oliver’s Delirium, or Renée Ahdieh’s The Wrath & the Dawn.

Entering the Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she arrived at the palace, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen—and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants.


Okay...I don't even know where to start. This one was a little better than the last one, I'll give it that. There was more plot, we got to see more of this city outside of the palace which I really liked. There was more tension and conflict. Definitely better than the second!

But now, let's get into the issues.

Just going to quickly go over the Aspen situation in a calm manner. So, you're telling me, that his whole time while America was struggling with her feelings between Aspen and Maxon, Aspen was forming a relationship with one of America's maids and NEVER TOLD HER. IF YOU LIKE SOMEONE ELSE, CUT THE OTHER PERSON OFF. Or just be truthful to them about what is going on and how you're feeling! Or be friends, I don't care. I hate Aspen, but this just infuriated me. I'm mad at America too, and I love her older sister for calling out her BS. What was that quote..."You're using Aspen as a safety net?...America, you're better than that. And if you've ever cared about him at all, you need to tell him the truth just as badly as you need to tell Maxon the truth."

BOOM. Where was Kenna in book 2??? That's all anyone needed to tell America to stop playing around and acting like a child, and grow up. Kenna quickly became my new favorite character after that.

Also, I totally didn't cry or tear up while they all read the letters from their dad....definitely not. Also, pardon my French, but Kota can go to hell. Like just go away buddy, we don't need your negative energy and toxic tea over here. Byyyeeeee!

Now, that climax. I'll admit it, how everything went down, that's one way to get rid of the "villain" of the story. But I want to just briefly touch on the relationship climax. We're near the end of the book, America and Maxon are in love and all seems dandy because he's going to propose to her and she'll be princess. And then....."plot twist".......we get that moment where Maxon catches America and Aspen together and Maxon doesn't want America anymore and so he's going to choose the other gal, until the climax happens, but then after that he suddenly changes his mind and they're engaged!

Wasn't a fan with how that all went down. Even after everything, Maxon still loves American, but damn, those two are going to need to go to couples therapy and work out their issues while they reign. I hope he made the right decision (no I didn't continue with the series after this, and don't plan to).

I'm just gonna say it. MAXON DESERVES BETTER. I like him and America as friends, and it sucks that he's kind of stuck in this tradition to pick a wife out of this group, but he deserves someone who supports him, trusts him, doesn't lie or deceive him, someone who can be his equal, who shares the same dreams as him. America hits a few of those points but from the way she just treats him because she's afraid to put on her big girl pants and face the consequences of her actions...yeah, there's someone else better out there for him. Dude has got a lot on his plate, especially with his dad not making it easy for him, and he needs someone who can just be his partner. I don't think America was it. But that's just my opinion.

Overall, glad I read this series (sort of trilogy), even if I didn't like the 2nd and 3rd book. These books reminded my why I don't really gravitate toward love triangles. They're just more annoying than enjoyable.

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