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Title: The Queen of Blood

Author: Sarah Durst

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Everything has a spirit: the willow tree with leaves that kiss the pond, the stream that feeds the river, the wind that exhales fresh snow . . .

But the spirits that reside within this land want to rid it of all humans. One woman stands between these malevolent spirits and the end of humankind: the queen. She alone has the magical power to prevent the spirits from destroying every man, woman, and child. But queens are still just human, and no matter how strong or good, the threat of danger always looms.

With the position so precarious, young women are chosen to train as heirs. Daleina, a seemingly quiet academy student, is under no illusions as to her claim to the throne, but simply wants to right the wrongs that have befallen the land. Ven, a disgraced champion, has spent his exile secretly fighting against the growing number of spirit attacks. Joining forces, these daring partners embark on a treacherous quest to find the source of the spirits’ restlessness—a journey that will test their courage and trust, and force them to stand against both enemies and friends to save their land . . .  before it’s bathed in blood.


This book took me on an emotional journey.


At first the beginning drew me in. How I could it not when the destruction of a village and a little girl ends up saving the few survivors including her family? But then things kind of went down hill. Not that it was bad, but we go through the educational years (which is interesting but not engaging to me as a reader, like I’m surprised I got through all the Harry Potter books). So I put the book down for a few weeks, a few months. And it was just staring at my in my Kindle library. 


I am not a DNF-er. And this book is the perfect reason for why I should force myself to continue reading a book that doesn’t interest me because in the end it was worth it. True there are some stories that are not great (at least in my opinion), that I found boring or not constructed well. But then there are gems that don’t hold me at the beginning, but at a certain point they latch onto me and don’t let me go until I’ve finished the last word.


I loved this world. It was interesting, fantastical, magical, and so horrible and cool at the same time! I would not survive in a world like this! But it’s cool to view from the outside. I loved the magic system with all the different kinds of elemental spirits and how they were described. How some were small and easy to control while others were more intellectual and older. Basically, this world was not boring in the slightest.

Let's talk about Ven for a bit. I really liked this guy. He’s really cool, resourceful, I love the relationship he and Daleina and Hamon establish. Honestly, I wanted more of these three and wish the educational part of the story was shortened just a bit so we got more of this trio (to be fair, I really didn't care about Daleina's friends and they just all looked the same to me in my head lol). Cause it was when Ven chose Daleina to train that the story picked up and I was glued to the pages. I loved how he taught her how to survive and work with the spirits. All of it was just *chef's kiss* but the guy ain't completely perfect. I didn’t like how he was still hung up on a woman who had become a murderer for more power and just kept hoping she was good inside. Like come on, Ven. I know you love her but she’s on the dark side now. 


Now, as for Daleina... My. God. I have NEVER related to a main character in a freakin fantasy world so much! She’s never felt strong in her life. She’s never felt worthy. She never felt like one of the others. She doubts her abilities. Heck, even everyone around her sees that she’s the weak link. Like girl, I get you. I disagree with your point of view of yourself and how you’re letting yourself down, but I get it, cause I do it too. I just wanted to give her a hug so many times, and I love her bravado and courage to stick with what's hard and how she works her ass off, even if things don't come easily to her. When she can't control the spirits like the others, she finds a solution that works for HER. Love it. Wonderful. Absolutely here for it. It's such a good lesson for honestly modern day schooling. Not everyone is going to learn the same way and some people need to figure out what's best for them to understand what they're being taught. Daleina is such a role model, a born leader (even though she has doubts about that), and despite how the ending ended, she's gonna do well.

There was a small romance in this book between Daleina and Hamon. I hated it. They were not a good fit for each other, and even at the end I had no idea where they stood - if they wanted to be together or go their separate ways. Wasn't shipping it. A friend said that they kind of shipped Daleina and Ven together. I could see it, MAYBE in another alternate universe where Ven wasn't hung up on his old love, wasn't super older than Daleina, then I could see it. But at the end of the day, I don't think she needs anyone. And if she found love and someone who supports her and lifts her up, then I'm totally down for it!

I don't really want to talk about the queen but f*ck her! And that's all I have to say about that.

Overall, very enjoyable read. Maybe I'll pick up the sequel someday but gosh, I have loads of books to get through.

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