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Title: Stardust

Author: Neil Gaiman

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Young Tristran Thorn will do anything to win the cold heart of beautiful Victoria—even fetch her the star they watch fall from the night sky. But to do so, he must enter the unexplored lands on the other side of the ancient wall that gives their tiny village its name. Beyond that old stone wall, Tristran learns, lies Faerie—where nothing not even a fallen star, is what he imagined.


I’ve seen the movie Stardust so many times (this is before I read the book) because I think it’s one of the most awesomest live action, fantasy movies, that isn’t part of a series, I have ever seen. I mean, it has Ben Barnes and Charlie Cox, and pirates in flying ships, witches and magic, Charlie Cox, princes’ in competition for the throne while the other dead ghost princes’ watch, Charlie Cox, a love story that goes from loving one girl to actually finding their true love, and of course Charlie Cox! But again, this isn’t about the movie (which I HIGHLY recommend you watch), it’s about the book. And once again, this is all my opinion, out of thousands.

The story is told from many POV’s: from Tristan’s, Yvaine’s, a couple of witches, a couple of princes, and I think that’s it, though I feel like I’m missing someone. I love different POV’s. I love viewing the story from a different character’s perspective or learning about another character, ’cause honestly, characters are AWESOME! I also enjoyed the side characters which popped up, like the talking tree, or the hairy guy with the pack on his back who helps Tristan at the beginning.

I highly enjoyed the writing and just got lost in Gaiman’s descriptions, like . . .

“It was sometimes said that the grey-and-black mountain range which ran like a spine north to south down that part of Faerie had once been a giant, who grew so huge and so heavy that, one day, worn out from the sheer effort of moving and living, he had stretched out on the plan and fallen into a sleep so profound that centuries passed between heartbeats.”

That sentence was so long but it so works!!!!

Honestly, the only thing I didn't really like was the ending. More specifically, the final confrontation between Yvaine and the witch. There really wasn’t one (if you compared it to the final action scene in the movie, which I am not . . . ). It was basically (Spoilers) . . .

Witch: I wanted your heart. To eat it and get my youth back.

Yvaine: I gave it to my true love.

Witch: Oh, ok. Goodbye. I go back to my sisters now.

The only exciting part for me was the fight scene between a lion and a unicorn (yeah, that happens). There’s another action scene in an inn, and then with the last remaining prince and the witch, but there really wasn’t a huge amount of action in this story, which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing.

There are a couple of brief intimacy scenes between a man and a woman (to put it lightly), the F-Word is used once among many other insults the star uses to name Tristan. A tad graphic, but not too much – IMO.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I liked the writing style, the characters, the story, what wasn’t put in the film, and the world of Stormhold (Faerie). And I will probably be enjoying the film and this book for the rest of my life. Watch the film. It’s pretty okay (AMAZING!) in my opinion . . . and I would recommend the book as well. It’s a lovely little tale which one could possibly finish in a day or two.

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