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Title: Asrian Skies

Author: Anne Wheeler

Genre: Sci-Fi

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Avery Rendon is weeks away from realizing her dream as a Commonwealth fighter pilot when planetary politics destroy her fledgling career before it begins. Grudgingly, she returns to her home planet of Asria, still hoping to break free of her royal family and the life of tedious policymaking they’ve planned for her. But Asria is still Asria, and after her almost-fiancé walks out on her, she’s not sure things can get much worse.

She’s wrong. When the Haederan Empire invades Asria, intent on rebuilding their interstellar domain, Avery becomes a target. She also becomes something else—a reluctant and naïve Commonwealth intelligence operative. It’s not long before she stumbles upon information that could change the course of the war, and suddenly she’s on the run, pursued by the Haederan secret police and desperate to deliver critical information to the Commonwealth before it’s too late.

Swept up in something more dangerous than politics or flying, Avery starts to wonder if her destiny lies somewhere closer to home. If the information she's learned can turn the tide of the war. And if she’ll live to see the end of it all.


I'm not the biggest sci-fi reader, mainly because I think sci-fi books tend to be a bit heavy on the lore and info dumping (yes, I know fantasy can be the same), but this book was very character driven and just kept be reading. The beginning is a little slow but it does pick up, and the information that is given to you, does come into play later.


I liked Avery. Even though she's basically kind of under house arrest, has to be watched constantly, and has to sit in the interrogator's chair, she still does what she can to help her people and her planet get out from under the Haederan's thumb. She's a brave woman, and I don't think I'd have the guts like her. Especially at the holy moly.

Okay, let's talk about Gareth Chase. Sign me up for that interrogation chair. Yes, I already know there is something very wrong with me, I've accepted that, but in Chase's defense, there is more to this man than meets the eye. I can smell it. He's not pure evil. He's just sadly on the wrong side and has to follow orders. He's just one of those antagonists I need to know more about and uncover every secret he's hiding. 

I loved this world. I loved these characters (especially the main antagonist). The world-building was intriguing and wonderful. I can't wait to read more about this world and especially more about what happens to these characters. I'll gobble up anything this author publishes!


Title: Unbroken Fire

Author: Anne Wheeler

Genre: Sci-Fi

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


After dealing what she hopes is a major blow to the enemy, Avery Rendon has found her way home to Asria. Safe for now, she spends her time adjusting to her new role in her planet’s future and reveling in personal victories. But Asria is still under the control of the Haederan Empire, and their grip has only tightened since the invasion. When the Asrian prime minister begs her to ask the Commonwealth for help in person, she agrees.

It’s a harrowing trip to the Commonwealth’s headquarters, one which comes to an abrupt end when her ship is intercepted by the Haederans in deep space. Her traitorous uncle, the former king of Asria, is there waiting for her. Worse, so is the Haederan interrogator who has haunted her nightmares for the past year. His plans for her now? Avery isn’t sure she wants to find out.

Alliances will shift. Trust will be broken. And through it all, time is running out for the people Avery cares about the most.


DISCLAIMER: I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Avery is reunited with Merritt (though perhaps a little broken), a plan is being forged to chase away the Haederan’s who are still controlling Asria, but all Avery has to do is convince the Commonwealth to help. Simple, right?

Of course, the trip doesn’t go as planned. Avery and her crew run into a Haederan heavy cruiser and are forced to board.

To make matters worse, Avery’s treacherous, cowardly uncle is on board – the guy who may or may not have been responsible for the Haderan’s invasion on Asria – and he wants her to return to Asria to support his rule, even though Avery is the rightful queen.

To make matters even more worse (though I perceived it as much, much better), the Imperial Security Command Officer who had “interrogated” Avery is aboard the cruiser as well – and he’s got his own plans for her.

I honestly loved this book so much and some of you know that I don’t often read space opera, or even just sci-fi alone in general. I always find that there’s far too many info dumps then just having the story play out and the environment woven in. Which is one of the things that Wheeler does well with her books. She doesn’t overwhelm you with history, background stories, or descriptions to the point where it grows dull and you set the book down. Her books are mostly character driven, and the world and environment is pieced together as you read.

As for the story, when it seems like the sun is just breaking over the horizon, filled with hope, the dark of the night comes crashing down, and all hope is chased away. And yet, hope persists.

If you’ve read the first book, you’re probably going to be a bit more cautious with whom Avery should trust. And you would be right in thinking that way. Any new or old character Avery came across, I was narrowing my eyes at them, unwilling to fall for their act, even my favorite character had me confused a few times. Villains who I thought were just plain bad end up becoming pure evil to the point where I wanted to hurt them myself.

As for Avery, I don’t know how she does it – staying strong. I would’ve broken back somewhere in book 1 and run away from everything, but even through all these new trials, Avery will still hold her head high and refuse to give up and fight for her planet and people. Even when she is personally told to stop finding answers, sneaking around, and digging for the truth, she doesn’t. She’s stubborn, and I love that about her.

Of course, I’m going to talk about Chase. I could talk about him non-stop. I rarely love an antagonist – though in this story, he’s more of an contagonist. In other stories I’ve read, you never find out their motivation, you never find out about their background even if it’s just a little, and you never find out why they did the things they did that are perceived as bad. With Chase, he has the answers. He gives the answers or in some cases, others do. With the story being told through Avery, we don’t get to see the bigger picture. But Chase offers pieces of that bigger picture, as do the other characters. Even by the end, I still wasn’t sure who’s side he was on because he’s just so good at what he does and how he “fools” everyone. But I still trusted him and I know he has a heart, unlike some of the other characters, like one in particular, but sad to say, he had a good reason for his anger but how he chose to release that anger was very bad.

Unbroken Fire is an excellent continuation to Avery Rendon’s story, filled with high stakes, tension that has you clutching the edges of the book, and moments that will make you laugh and tear up. If you’ve read the first book and loved it, you’ll love this one too.


Title: Shattered Honor

Author: Anne Wheeler

Genre: Sci-Fi

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Gareth Chase might be a model Haederan officer, but even his unshakable loyalty to his emperor can’t assuage his constant misgivings. Certain his past deeds have destined him to a hellish afterlife, he’s not happy to be ordered to his empire’s newly conquered planet of Asria to keep watch on their princess. He’s even less thrilled to find that his new charge is insolent, reckless, and defiant—and almost certainly an enemy spy.

Katryn Holt is also headed for Asria—as a hostage. But hostages aren’t usually treated like this, are they? She’s got her own cabin on the long-range starship, pleasant company—even if he is Haederan—and black-market Commonwealth coffee. But as she wrestles with her strange attraction to Rhys Linden, one thought remains—how will things change once they reach their destination?

Torn between his obligations and conscience, Chase will fight his imperial duty, no matter the cost. Trapped between her brother’s mistakes and her own emotions, Katryn will fight for what seems to be a hopeless escape. But by the time the two finally meet on this foreign, war-torn planet, setting things right again may be impossible.

Shattered Honor shows the events of Asrian Skies from the view of the conquerors . . . who aren't always the winners.


DISCLAIMER: I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

You know how when you read a certain book and the antagonist or villain really strikes you and you really want to know more about them, why they did the things that they did, etc? Shattered Honor follows the story of Gareth Chase, the antagonist of Asrian Skies, as well as another victim of the war the Haederan Empire brought to the quadrant. We get to see the same story through different eyes focused on the Haederan side, and I’m always all for different perspectives.

Katryn Holt is an engineer working on the planet Iythea until the Haederans show up and enslave her and her colleagues. But her troubles have only started. After losing someone close to her, Kat is ripped from Iythea by an ISC officer who intends to use her to draw her brother out of hiding, who’s been flagged as being a spy and working for the Haederans. Along with losing her freedom and finding out that her brother is a spy, Kat’s captor is not quite what you’d expect. Aside from a few mishaps, she’s treated pretty well. No harsh words (aside from a few threats ’cause he still needs her to follow in line), no physical abuse, no torture, and he’s pretty good company to keep. And he’s pretty attractive, too. A complicated relationship forms, but her captor Rhys Linden still has a job to do, but he still tries to see to it that Kat is comfortable and she’s not in any harm. But even with the bit of luxury, Kat is still determined to regain her freedom.

I know some might not entirely approve of the relationship between Kat and Rhys. True, given the circumstances, it may be inappropriate, but I’ve always been a sucker for two people from different worlds falling in love. But not every new relationship ends in a happy ending and, of course, it comes with its complications, which I really loved. Yeah, stories where the couple meet, fall in love, go through a bit of struggle, but still end up living happily ever after are nice to read, but I also like reading about struggling relationships where power, culture, people, or morals keep the couple from being with each other, and yet they still care for each other despite all the complications.

Kat does her best to make it through each day, even putting herself on the line in order to save her brother despite what he’s become. She’s courageous and a determined woman, doing what she can to survive till the end of this war.


Now, let’s get into my favorite part of the story.

*Sets up projector, fits on glasses, displays first slide, shuffles note cards*

Let’s talk about Gareth Chase.

When I heard that Anne Wheeler was writing a story with Chases’ POV, my reaction may or may not have been this🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩.


As some of you may know, or may not, I have been in love with Gareth Chase since the moment he entered Avery’s world. Some people understand my obsession, and others don’t since they only saw him as a villain in Avery’s story and couldn’t forgive him for what he did to her. But I saw him as this man who the world perceived as cold-hearted, but had a soft spot inside. This book shows that soft spot. This book shows that he has a heart, that he cares, and yes, he even cares about the well-being of his enemy. A villain is only a villain depending on where you’re standing, and here, we’re standing on Chase’s side, seeing the story play out through his eyes.

When you’re an ISC office, you have a reputation and there’s a lot expected of you. But when you’re also the son-in-law of the emperor and not entirely well-liked by the family, life gets complicated. Every day is a struggle, especially when Chase has to be away from his wife, two kids, and beloved home. But this is his empire, his people, and he has a job to do.

If you’ve read Asrian Skies, you know what he does to Avery, and in here, there’s a bit more that we didn’t see through her. Yeah, it’s bad. But I will always stand by the fact that it could’ve been so much worse. Avery could’ve suffered more under someone else. Chase’s goal was never to completely break Avery. He did everything in his power to get her through that horrible time unscathed. It was still bad what he did, but again, it could’ve been worse. Avery might’ve completely lost herself entirely, but through her own stubbornness and Chase’s admiration for her, she survived. Avery is indebted to him in more ways than one, and Chase is indebted to her as well. She showed him the strength one can hold onto as they’re being tossed through hell. And believe me, Chase goes through his own version of hell. I don’t want to give anything away, but when I first read it, it crushed my heart.

The one big thing I admire about him is that even when life gets completely and utterly awful, when life beats him down, when life doesn’t go as he wanted it to, he doesn’t give into the anger and hate he feels. He doesn’t lose himself, becoming exactly what people see him as, cold-hearted. He still pushes on through the muck, lifting his head up, and still holding onto that soft spot in his heart.

Shattered Honor shows you the side of the enemy. It shows you the war through another victim’s eyes. If you’re into character-driven stories, conflicted antagonists, complicated relationships, a bit of action, and a fan of Gareth Chase, this is the book for you.


Title: Faded Embers

Author: Anne Wheeler

Genre: Sci-Fi



With the Haederan Empire mostly ousted from Asria, Avery Rendon should feel freer than she has in years—certainly since the Haederan invasion. Yet when she’s nearly assassinated on the day of her long-overdue coronation, intelligence suggests the perpetrator is her estranged brother, Quen. He may have denied wanting the throne years ago, but now it seems he wants another shot—and he won’t stop until she no longer stands in his way. Convinced her life is in imminent danger, she flees to Haedera, the last place Quen will ever think to look.

But the reclusive planet isn’t the sanctuary she was promised, and in the volatile aftermath of the Third Commonwealth-Haederan War, political intrigue is treacherous and allies are few. When Quen tracks her to Haedera and her enemies close in around her, Avery is forced to trust the one man she swore she’d never forgive.

And that trust will come at a cost.


Review to come once I finish it!

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