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Title: Eragon

Author: Christopher Paolini

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐


When fifteen-year-old Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest, he thinks it is the lucky discovery of a poor farm boy. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon soon realizes he has stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself.

Overnight his simple life is shattered, and, gifted with only an ancient sword, a loyal dragon, and sage advice from an old storyteller, Eragon is soon swept into a dangerous tapestry of magic, glory, and power. Now his choices could save—or destroy—the Empire.


I love dragons. I have a collection of little dragon figurines and the one thing that would just make my medieval/modern/dragon infested home perfect is a dragon head wall mount. But first I need to find space on my walls. I guess I could move some posters . . . anyway, what were we talking about? Oh, right! Eragon by Christopher Paolini.

Fair warning, this is not really an angry review. It might be a bit of a rant, though. And remember, this is just my opinion – one opinion out of thousands. And if you haven’t read this book, there may be spoilers in the review.


Yes, the book was released in 2002. Yes, it’s taken me forever to read it, but hey, I didn’t read the Harry Potter series until the end of my senior year.

Anyway, magic, adventure, flying, fighting, elves, dwarfs, orc-type creatures (Urgals, I believe), and DRAGONS!


It was okay.


I don’t know, there was just something about it that just didn’t grab me. I kept reading and reading and reading, but I was never invested. I was never pulled into the story. Well, there were a couple of spots – a few of the action scenes and the final battle at the end – but for the majority of the story, I just wasn’t into it.

Maybe it could’ve been better for me if I hadn’t watched the movie (twice) before finally reading the book. Please don’t hurt me. For the record, when I first saw the movie, I didn’t realize it was from a book until halfway through – the pace of the movie was just too fast. Loved the dragon, though!

Maybe it’s because I read it at somewhat of a late time in my life – though I’m not that old – but I’ve read so many books that fall into this category. Every lesson that Brom was teaching Eragon, I had already read or heard before. So, maybe I should’ve read it when I was fifteen or sixteen or younger.

But one of the problems I had with the book was the traveling and training. There’s so much! I was begging a friend of mine to tell me when it was going to get good! 290 pages in, I was asking again, but no.

The world. I salute Mr. Paolini on his world-building. I have definitely taken mental notes. I don’t remember there ever being any info dumps, though the large paragraphs Brom would tell to Eragon about the Riders or the dragons felt a little like an info dump. There was a lot of explaining through dialogue.

Saphira. There was one line of dialogue between Eragon and Saphira I liked. The rest, . . . Well, I like how she and I agree on one thing; Eragon is an idiot who gets himself into trouble. Honestly, I think Saphira and I would be great friends. I like how she takes control as she grows older, expresses how she feels and cares about Eragon’s well-being.

Needless to say, I was so thankful to finally be done with this book. I don't think I'll read the rest of the series, even though I've been told the books get better. It just didn't grab, but I'm glad I read it!

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